Saturday, September 18, 2004

About Jewish Holidays

Shalom Friends, and L'shanah tovah (what u say in Rosh Hashana , which means FOr a good new year)if i recall it correctly.

Few days ago, Akanie requested that I put up some information about Jewish holidays, specifically on Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, and Hannukah. I thought it'd be a wonderful chance to impart a bit knowledge about Jewish Culture to all who are interested. However, long ago have I left my books in the shelves after those exams at school, and I hope to give y'all a more through report rather then just me blahing. So, I've done some cut and paste works from internet and put up a few pages(with my comments here and there) that I will soon post up on this blog. Starting order from ROsh-hashana, Yom Kippur , and Hannukah. I am prety excited about it, and I hope you are , too. Let me, just start with this. Lots of people ask me why I like Jewish culture so much, and even citationed in Jewish studies. Well, the answer is simple. When I first started to learn about Jewish culture, I found many close links between it and the Bible, and that;s what interest me!! The more i understand about Jewish people and its culture, the stories, customs, and so on, the more I get enjoy reading and relate to the Bible. We all know that festivals are vital parts of the culture, as we go on reading about these three holidays, you might find some "links" between Jewish culture and the Bible, so get ready and don't be surprised!!!
Finally, there are some Jewish holidays that are not mentioned in the Bible, one may wonder why?, like many cultures, it changes after a long period of time, Jewish culture , too , changes. Another reason is because the religious Jewish people today have two major holy scriptures that they followed. One is called the Torah(the first 5 books of the Old testment(to them there is no OT), which "religious" Jews believe are the written tradition (words )of God through Moses. (The other part of the OT other the TOrah are not considered "the most holy " in Jewish trandition!) The other one is called, Talmud, basically the "oral" tradition that is also through Moses given by God in Mt. Sinai, and what's in the Talmud?-the expandtions of explainations of biblical stories of different rabbis troughout the Jewish history-and the expandtions of explaninations of the original expandtions of explanations...go on and on...of course, it was finalized in a period of Jewish history.) That's why there are some different holidays than the Bible recorded!!! if u are interested in other Jewish holidays , go find out yourself. is a good site for it! ALready, i was gonna be short for this one, but well....the JC (jewish culture) is very rich and i just love to blah...anyways..get ready for some good stuffs!!!! sorry for some typos..i just got off work..very tired


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do You Have Any Information Regarding The Jewish
Whistle Blower?

Please assist at

12:37 AM  

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