Tuesday, August 31, 2004

pool night

Went to play some pool with Djs from the club i work tonight. I finally got to know the differences between, Wales, England, Scotland, Ireland...etc So, wales are not really considered part of England, and people there speak Walish(did i spell right)?, somethting completely different to English. OF course, finally I suggested that they play a game to decide whoever own the throne of UK. what else and , we talked about CHinese food in US and UK. Did you know that they've got Sweet and sour chicken in UK , too? They dont have General Tsao though...and that's about it, i came home after that...oh yeah, i got my regular Gakuzee tonight as well!! This is my typical off day like..hehe cheers

Monday, August 30, 2004

Just chilling

Just Chilling, Posted by Hello was browing over my picture files, and this is one of my favorites, thought u guys might wanna see it. and it fits my mood tonight , too. Just chilling, by the way, I've been getting my Gakuzee regularly now..yeah...OF Course, bigger tank though!!! chilling pals!

I am gonna start a poll. rate 1 as being least liking the pic to 10 being like the pic the most to this pic, and you'll get a mark's special price!!! come and join the poll! i promise u wont regret join the poll!!!

Friday, August 27, 2004

How you doing!!! JOei Tribiani

Guys guys
i just have to tell u this!!!! I swear I saw Joei Tribiani from the TV show, "Friends
tonight at work!!!!!

I didnt know he is in Taiwan!!! I was doing my Joei Tribiani thing, "Hey, How you doing
" the whole night, and man, when I saw him, I was like............wait, no way, what the heck, hum...he gotta be...wait...

and I finally made myself in front of him, pretending I was all cool, and said, "Excuse me, Are you --JOe? and he spoke Chinese back to me, and of course he denied it. But i swear, He is Joei!!!! and Joei speak Chinese. I am pretty sure, cuz I didnt drink at all tonight, and boy I do the Joei Tribiani thing!!!!

I miss the show soooooooooo bad...I wish there is a JOei in the real world!!!
well, another tiring day, gotta get some rest....
Anyways, How you doing!!!

Thursday, August 26, 2004

some thoughts and the gold medals

8/26, an usual Thursday night, the least busy day of the week. I almost fell asleep tonight, playing games on my mobile didnt help much, and only when our DJ played the song, "Delima"" , did I shake my butt a bit..
A ring from a friend changed the whole night! It was around 0:30 am, when a friend called to talk about our meeting next day, and on the phone, i got to know that the Taiwan Olympic Taekondo team has just won two gold medals. My spirit was lifted up right away, and as soon as I put down the phone, I was so excited that I went to tell everyone. Soon after that, our walkie talkies lines were filled with the news. Yeah baby!!! That;s right!! A Big applause for the Taiwan team!!! First Olympics gold medals for Taiwan's history, and we won them in Athens where Olympic started, which made the whole thing even more significant!!

A few days ago, when Taiwanese basball team was playing against Cuban team. Since, I had to work that night, I wasnt able to watch the game on TV, but I followed the game through my phone closely. That night, I asked like 10 people about whether we might win the game, shockyly, only like 1 out of 10 said that we might beat them. I was so surprised and kept persuading everyone i asked. How can you win, if you dont even believe u can!!! that was my question to them.!!! You gotta have the winning spirit!!! Even when we were losing by 7 or 8, I still thought we could pull it!!! and even we lost the game at the end, I still believed that we would make it to the finals! Even after losing to Japan!!! WE MIGHT lose the battle, but we'll win the war!!!!!! One pharase I repeated when I was pursuading my South African workmate!

Many of us are settled with not bad, or just good!!! but I believed we need more than that!!! We need to push not bad to excellent, good to great!!! That's how we should live, and how God want us to live, and positive and winning attitude is the key!!! I was kinda dissapointed when the TW baseball team didnt make to the finals, but the two gold medals tonight not only encouraged me, but also proved that the phrase, "WE MIGHT LOSE THE battle, BUT WE;LL WIN THE war" right! Go Go Chinese Taipei! Go Go, my amigos and amigas!!!

here i also attached the Taekwedo ceremony file..enjoy it pals!!!! arent you so proud of them!!! Almost cried!!!

Not the end of the road, just need to turn around

This article was fowarded by my brother, and I like it a lot!!!

一句簡單ㄉ句子卻帶有很深ㄉ含意 Positive Attitude, gotta have that!!! 對ㄌ有否發現我use中打 正在學 !!! I am finally learning, !!!! hope you'll have a great day!!!!

她因為初戀的失敗,一直離不開失戀的痛苦而有輕生的念頭, 在她想自殺的那一剎那,她看到了公車上有的一小段詩, 詩的內容就有這麼一句: 『不是路已走到盡頭,而是該轉彎了!』 而讓她拋棄了輕生的念頭。 最後她寫說: 大二的我,被一個不速之客擾亂了平靜的生活 卻也不經意的被另一個不速之客救贖了。 生命中總有挫折,那不是盡頭, 只是在提醒你,該轉彎了。 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 『不是路已走到盡頭,而是該轉彎了!』 這句話其實很有意思! 當你遇到一件事,已無法解決,甚至是已經影響到你的生活、心情時, 何不停下腳步,暫時的想一想是否有轉闤的空間, 或許換種方法,換條路走事情便會簡單點。 但,通常在那一刻,我們並來不及想到這些, 只是一昧的在原地踏步、繞圈, 讓自己一直的陷在痛苦的深淵中,

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Among many places in China that i've traveled. Yangshou is definate on my top 5 lists, and it's also somewhere I'd return and visit..I even plan on opening a small coffee shop/bar there when i get older, be sure to visit my place when u come. The name will be Marky's Bamboo Cave(or any suggestion is welcomed, havent got the name down yet)..hehe Posted by Hello

I took it while i was traveling in Yangshou, China this past spring. Posted by Hello

Monday, August 23, 2004

How you doing? first time pals

Hey pals (How you doing-my famous Joei Tribianni greeting)!!!

It's a first for me. I have never done anything like this before, for those who know me, you know how lazy I am, and I rarely use writtings to communicate with everyone. However, it does apeal to me as a good way to get in touch with all. If you are interested in what happens in Mark's extraordinary but simple life and his weird thoughts, here you are. And hopefully, we can use this device to update on each other's life. I am very inexpereinced in this, and I really don't know how it'll turn out, maybe i'll get lazy and quit.....i am really lazy. but i 'll try to make it fun and interesting for all. Maybe i'll post up some stupid jokes i found funny, or how I used the baton to strike some weridos in the club, or how I fell over a huge waterfall in Congo and survived from black widow's poison(okay okay, havent done that one yet)I mean afterall, I am all about fun!!! Wuhaha!!!!!
Marky mark Da man!!!! KEEP IT REAL!!!