Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Moses' 人生三部曲

o 到40歲聰明英挺的Moses靠自己血氣殺了人,他總覺得 I can do something, and I am something.
40到80歲游牧的Moses覺得自己拙口笨舌,他發現 I have not done anything and I am nothing.
80到120歲老邁睿智的Moses經歷了上帝的各種作為他深深體會到原來, Everything is done by God , and God is EVERYTHING!

Isnt it so true..? We all can take heed from Moses' example.. Still remember the sign on the wall of the Frist Baptist church back in Maryland, It says, "it's not about you, it's not about me, it's all about Him". Shaloms Friends!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Work Smart, don't Work Hard has been my favorite line lately!!! Growing up as a lazy person, i've always tried to find the most efficient way to do things, that way, i get to save my lazy butt, and do things in an most efficient way. However, sometimes people just have different ways of doing things, like the principal of the school where I am serving, asked me to fax some information to some people, and it took me one entire afternoon to do all that. Not to even mention the mosiqqito bites. But thank God, i've finally pursuaded him to send those information(the 2nd time of course), through emails!!!! So much faster!!!! anyways, ladies and Gentlemen.. Work Smart!!!

※第一篇是說日本最大的化妝品公司收到客戶抱怨,買來的洗面皂,盒子裡面是空的,於是他們為了預防生產線再次發生這樣的事情,工程師便很"努力辛苦"的研發了一台『X-光監視器』去透視每一台出貨的香皂盒,結果「漏裝」的都可檢查出來。而同樣的問題也發生在另一家小公司,他們的解決方法是買一台強力工業用電扇,放在輸送機末端,去吹每個香皂盒,被吹走的便是沒放香皂的空盒......夠簡單、夠聰明吧!※第二篇是說美國太空總署NASA發現在外太空低溫無重力的狀況下,太空人用的墨水筆寫不出字, 於是他們花了一大筆錢,研發出一種在低溫無重力下能寫出字的筆,當時是很了不起的成就。而俄國太空人就沒這樣的問題嗎?當然有嘛!您猜猜他們是怎麼解決的呢??........................俄國人改用鉛筆.......;這就是注重"problem"和注重"solution"去解決事情的差別喔.....有時我們在工作上也會有類似這樣的盲點~所以Work Hard並不一定有用.....而是要Work Smart...............^__^

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

a poem about fall

秋天 有點酸酸甜甜的日子
秋天 一個要多加件衣服的日子
秋天 一個人會在咖啡店看書的日子
秋天 一葉扁舟在湖上靜靜的樣子
秋天 一時看到女生會不知反應的日子
和 一個該打電話回家的兒子
a little poem i wrote a while ago...i know it's not fall, but just how i kinda feel now..