Monday, February 21, 2005


英雄好漢在一班 英雄好漢在一班,說打就打說幹就幹管他流血流汗管他流血流汗! 萬萬沒想到我數饅頭的日子真的到了 11月18日! 成功嶺, 一個本是電影中的名詞-竟成為我生命中的真實一直到我躺在行軍床上的第一個晚上才不得不相信! 一個月的訓練其實滿好玩的! 有太多的記憶是一生難忘的 第一次排隊打電話那大排長龍的盛況記憶依然猶新, 晚自習時等待發信是一天的最大事,看到別人拿到信時的妒忌羨慕,發現自己沒有信的落寞心情仍然歷歷在目. 當然也不會忘記那睡覺前長官細心準備的宵夜香蕉船!(一種體能訓練的名稱有三代) 大家一起歡唱著當我们同在一起肩搭肩所圍繞出的同心圓(令一種由我们優秀國軍所研發的變態操人遊戲為我们12隊之鎮山寶) 因軍歌比賽而放的榮譽假還有第一次放假的感動 即便只是4個鐘頭的點放卻覺得已擁有了全世界! 太多太多了 更不用提到為了不要破壞折好的豆腐被而發明的辛苦睡姿 還有那幾個禮拜夜晚窩在棉被裡和鄰兵竊竊私語的溫馨時光 講不完哩! 只能稍做簡單整理寫下以求日後莞爾一笑
One regular DAY in the army.

It was just another regular training day. Waking up at 6:00, running down stairs to get our teeth brushed and face washed, some stupid jerk spilled some water and got yelled at. Then, the basic training in the morning, practicing standing, turning , saluting and soo n. Standing straight for 30 mins is nothing special by now, and I have found a way to slack off when practicing saluting. You just have to put your right elbow on the shoulder of the guy next to you, and when the sergeant looks at you, raise your right arm a bit higher. Oh, and Never raise your left arm when saluting, the officer would say things like, “幹……什麼! 共匪才舉左手!blahblahblah.” And of course, if you ever got caught of doing it, just look far straight, and keep your cheek high as you didn’t do anything wrong. Look tough, like nothing ever happens, and and bonus if u make the don’t you mess with me face(most times, you should get by). Today like other days, was just going to be another regular day!

However, right after lunch, the regiment lined up in rows and awaited for the rest of the group to come, some were chatting (by now, we get to chat a bit, if the officers were in the good mood, we are not yet old birds, but surely not new birds anymore), some were still standing very still (the good kids), and the last few people were just jogging slowly toward the group since they just finished washing dishes we used for lunch. The Lieutenant cleared his throat and spoke, “who would like to be volunteers”(never ask for what, or you’ll either get cursed at or your face would be really watery, you might even get a few little chunk of meat on your face if it was after meals). Lots of people raised their hands up high as if they were afriad the Liuetenant may not see, and I was among the many. We all know that volunteer works means small privileges later, and since when did buying a can of soda or calling on the toll phone became so precious?; anyhow, things simple as that are considered “grace” now. The Lieutenant looked around the group and picked Yushan and me, I was one among the two that were picked. Yes, baby..i shouted in my head, ”I am gonna buy a cup of hot coffee afterward, at this point Ive realized that picking soda or any carbon-dioxide drinks is a mistake, not that it tastes bad or anything, but you just simply wouldn’t have time to finish it(you only get 5 mins drinking time). And I am gonna call some hot babes later.). yeah, How you doing?

We then followed the sergeant and reached another regiment building; on the way, he asks us, “Did you know what you were going to do?” Of course not, you moron, I thought, dare I to speak. “NO! sir”. As we answered, we reached the building, and found there were more than two of us, there were some other brothers from other regiments. I didn’t think too much though. Then the lieutenant with glasses spoke. “well, a solider has ran away last night from regiment 11, he has broken the window…..”. What? I was soon awakened from my sleepiness of eating too much at lunch”. I looked at Yushan, the solider next to me with amazement, and he too looked at me that way; in my head, I started to picture what he looks like and how he escaped, a tan muscular guy, about five -eight tall, scar on left cheek, took a pistol with him, and injured a few guards along the way already., dude this is going to be exciting”; and your mission is to find him!” part 1 continues!

Friday, February 04, 2005

愛新覺羅溥儀-the last emperor

今天重看了末代皇帝一次,心中真是感觸良多,一直以來對這個三歲就登基的小皇帝心中有無比的好奇. 愛新覺羅 一個傳奇的姓,溥儀一個傳奇的名.
中國悠悠歷史洪流上的最後一個皇帝. 在那個時代歷經了那些事情.心中總是為他惋惜覺得他生錯了時代早生或晚生幾年他的生命過程就截然不同了. 或許他早生幾年也可能是個明君.很難想像一個人是天子是囚犯又是老百姓!又如他能選擇的話,仍舊會希望生在皇室做皇帝嗎? 太有話題性的一個人了! 愛新覺羅溥儀 生於1906卒於1967